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  System Certification Online Application
GB/T19001-2008-ISO9001:2008 GB/T24001-2004-ISO14001:2004 GB/T28001-2001 GB/T22000-2006
Applicant Name: * Legal Representative: *
Registered Address: * Postcode:
Office Address: * zip:
Production address: zip:

(Note: The sub-sites when there is more than one place please fill in sub-list attached stating the address, Zip code)

The nature of applicant: Government agencies Institutions Organization
Other organizations Social groups
Organization Code:
Organization of the registered capital:
Proof of legal status: No documents:
Contact: *Phone: * Fax:
Wish to review the time: Year Months The total number of applicant:
The number of people covered by system: QMS EMS OHSMS FSMS
Standards are not applicable (deletion) in terms of:
Application category (category in their application for the box notation: "√"):
Initial Certification Re-certification To expand the scope of certification
The certification covers the places (departments):
Range of products or services:
Special requirements (such as the use of language):
The existence of outsourcing (if briefly):

Important risk, the harmful factors: (only for Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification) :

Frequency: Daytime Night Continuous production Seasonal production
Applicant confirmation: I flat during the year without a major personal injury and quality of the accident; during the year no national product quality supervision and inspection failed. We will comply with the relevant provisions of the registration certificate to provide evaluation of the required information. Pay the certification fee schedule review, and actively and carefully prepare certification audit preparation and coordination of work.
If you have received advisory services unit, please fill out the following:
Advice: Consultants:
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