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 最新CCC强制性产品认证目录   2020-05-07
 EN55032取代EN55022用于多媒体设备CE认证   2016-07-11
 欧盟低电压指令更新 2014/35/EU   2016-02-24
 New EMC Directive 2014/30/EU   2016-02-24
 New Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU   2016-02-24
 GB 6675-2014强制性国家标准   2015-11-11
 家用和类似用途强制性认证适用GB4706.7相关产品新旧版标准差异试验项目对照表   2015-06-17
 关于家用和类似用途设备—真空吸尘器产品强制性认证执行新版标准有关要求的公告   2015-06-17
 工厂质量保证能力要求   2015-06-17
 明年起电磁辐射超标家电不得出口香港   2010-12-30
 源之星 (Energy Star) 重要訊息公告   2010-12-04
 South Korea‘s KCC to replace the MIC certification mark   2010-01-15
 India plans to introduce a safety certification STQC   2010-01-15
 WDTP Assessment for UL6500(AZSQ/7)   2010-01-15
 Early in July, the Hong The EU would review the RoHS directive, Restriction of Hazardous Substances additional types of   2010-01-15

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