According to the 1998 entry into force of the 92/98 resolution, Argentina, the input voltage AC 50-1000 Vac, or DC 50-1500 Vdc electrical and electronic equipment within the scope of the implementation of S-Mark compulsory certification. The resolution of products is divided into four groups, since 2001 implemented step by step, to August 1, 2004 all products must be S-Mark certification to enter the Argentine market. Argentina is the CB system and member states, CB certificates and reports are accepted, so that can save a lot of duplication of tests and send samples of trouble. Argentina S-Mark Safety Certification does not require arrangements for factory inspection, the applicant should be provided in Spanish plate (including the security warning tag) and the user manual. S-Mark certification bodies next to the logo to add a symbol, such as:
Argentina voltage AC220V/50Hz, grounding plug sub-classes I and non-grounded type II are two types should be consistent with Argentina IRAM 2063/2073 standards, such as the product is not attached to the power line groups in the test report must be mentioned on the certificate would indicate.